Sunday 30 June 2013

differences between Graphs and Trees? [excluded Graphical Concept]


Rules & Restriction:
In general graph doesn’t really have any rules and restrictions.
Tree is the restricted specialized version of graph with numerous rules specially how to connect nodes.

Direction :
Graph can have Uni-directional or Bi-directional paths between nodes.
Tree has linear direction (only one path between each two vertices) that comes along with “Parent-children” relationship.

*point to be noted: one child can have only one parent (as it is in real.)

Circles and all :
Can be cyclic (or acyclic) or have loop, circuit and self loop.
Tree doesn't have any circles back or self loop or circuit or cycles.

Recursive Data :
No such thing.
Tree is Recursive Data Structure due to the nodes with children.

Can only be cyclic or acyclic
Tree fits within the category of Directed Acyclic Graphs in short DAG (graph that has no cycles).

Graphs are more complex due to all the loops and cycles it got.

Trees are really easy to understand.
In graph objects connects themselves by Links.

*in mathematical abstractions it calls Vertices or in between same pair it calls edges.

Tree is actually Minimally connected graph. In easy English its: one path between each two vertices.
It’s more likely a diagrammatic overview.
It’s more likely a flow looking overview.
(e.g. flow chart)

Root node:
No such thing.
Exactly only one root node.

Parent child relation:
No such thing.
In tree, there is parent child relationship for the sake of flow so there can be the direction top to bottom or vice versa.

Traversal kinds:
Graph traversed by DFS (depth First Search) and BFS (Breadth First Search) algorithm.
3 types:
a. Pre order
b. In order
c. post order
*all of these are in DFS or BFS algo.

Different types:
Basically only two types can be highlighted:
a. Directed graph
b. Undirected graph

There are actually too many. Like, Binary tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL tree, Heaps etc.
Number of edges:
No boundary.
Always have to have n-1 numbers of edges.

Model type:
Network model.
Hierarchical model

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