Wednesday 6 February 2019

Google Ads Fundamentals: Keyword Match Type:

Broad match:
- shows your ads based on keywords and close variations like synonyms and misspellings.
Keyword example:
  • tennis shoes
Result: A search for “tennis sneakers” could return your ad
Benefit: Shows ads most broadly with the least amount of set up
Set it up: Do nothing — this is the default for all searches

Broad match modifier:
- shows your ads based on the broad match, but excludes synonyms.
Keyword example:
  • +tennis 
  • +shoes
Result: A search for “buy tennis shoes” could return your ad
Benefit: More targeted, can increase clicks and conversions
Set it up: Add plus sign ( + ) before terms

Phrase match:
- shows your ads based on exact phrases and close variations.
Keyword example:
  • "tennis shoes"
Result: A search for “tennis shoes reviews” could return your ad
Benefit: More targeted
Set it up: Add quotes (“ ”) around the term

Exact match:
- shows your ads based on exact keywords and close variations.
Keyword example:
  • [tennis shoes]
Result: A search for “tennis shoes” could return your ads
Benefit: Narrows ad's potential audience the most
Set it up: Add brackets ([ ]) around term

Negative match:
- shows your ads based on searches and site visits that exclude keywords.
Keyword example:
  • -women
Result: A search for “men’s tennis shoes” would not return your ad
Benefit: Prevents ad from showing on unrelated searches or websites
Set it up: Add minus sign ( - ) before terms that should never trigger ads