Sunday 4 February 2018

User Experience (UX) vs Customer Experience (CX): What are The Differences?

From what I understand,
User Experience (UX):
- Deals with people interacting with the product
- Experience customers receive from their interaction.

UX is measured by,
  • Success rate, 
  • Error rate, 
  • Abandonment rate, 
  • Time to complete the task, 
  • Number of clicks to complete that task.

Customer Experience (CX):
- Encompasses all the interactions a person has with the brand.

CX is measured by,
  • Overall experience, 
  • Likelihood to continue use, 
  • Likelihood to recommend to others. 

In short,

UX is part of a broader CX. 
And, CX contains some aspects outside of a product that UX does not.

thanks to digital gov.

I.E. vs E.G.: What is The Difference?

I.e. = Originates from the Latin "Id Est" meaning "that is to say". It is used when someone wants to add explanatory information to state something in different words.

E.g. = Originates from Latin "Exempli Gratia", meaning "for example".

I.e. is used to introduce a Clarification,
E.g. is used to introduce Examples.