Sunday 10 December 2017

Marketing Abbreviations.

  1. 1H: 1st Half
  2. A2P: Application to Person
  3. a/c. – account
  4. acct. (account)
  5. agcy. Agency
  6. agt. Agent
  7. Assn. association
  8. asst. – Assistant
  9. A&R: Artists and Repertoire
  10. ABC= Always Be Closing
  11. AFAIK= As Far As I Know
  12. AP= Accounts Payable
  13. ARPU= Average Revenue Per User
  14. ASF: Ad Serving Fee
  15. ASP= Average Selling Price
  16. ASAP: As Soon As Possible
  17. ATL: Above the Line (Mass Penetration)
  18. AV: Audio Visual
  19. bal. Balance
  20. bldg. Building
  21. bus. Business
  22. B2B: Business to Business
  23. B2C: Business to Consumer/Customer
  24. B2G: Business to Government
  25. BAU= Business As Usual
  26. BD= Business Development
  27. BEP: Break Even Point
  28. BM= Business Management
  29. BOGO: Bye One Get One
  30. BOQ / BQ: Bill of Quantities
  31. BPA= Business Process Automation
  32. BRU= Business Recovery Unit
  33. BTL: Below the Line (specific penetration)
  34. BUSI – business
  35. cont. continued
  36. C2B: Consumer to Business
  37. C2C: Consumer to Consumer
  38. CAD: Computer-Aided Design
  39. CAGR= Compound Annual Growth Rate
  40. CAPEX / CFO PEX= Capital Expenditure
  41. CAPM= Capital Asset Pricing Model
  42. CAO= Chief Administrative Officer
  43. C&F – Cost and Freight
  44. CDM= Change and Data Management
  45. CDO= Collateralized Debt Obligation
  46. CDS= Credit Default Swap
  47. CEO= Chief Executive Officer
  48. CFA= Chartered Financial Analyst
  49. CFC= Consumption of Fixed Capital
  50. CFCT= Cash Flow Cycle Time
  51. CFM= Certified Financial Manager
  52. CFO= Chief Financial Officer
  53. CFS= Consolidated Financial Statement
  54. CIA= Certified Internal Auditor
  55. CIF= Cost Insurance with Freight
  56. CIMA= Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
  57. CMFB= Committee on Monetary, Finance and Balance of payments statistics
  58. CI: Consumer Insight
  59. CIP= Carriage and Insurance Paid
  60. CISA= Certified Information Systems Auditor
  61. CIO= Chief Investment Officer
  62. CIO= Chief Information Officer
  63. CKM: Customer Knowledge Management
  64. CMA= Certified Management Accountant
  65. CMO= Chief Marketing Officer
  66. COA= Chart of Account
  67. COB= Close of Business
  68. COO= Chief Operating Officer
  69. Corp.=  Corporation
  70. CP: Consumer Product
  71. CPA – Certified Public Accountant
  72. CPI: Cost Per Impression
  73. CPI – Consumer Price Index
  74. CPM - Cost Per Mille; cost per thousand impressions
  75. CPQ – Configure, Price, Quote
  76. CPT - Cost Per Thousand
  77. CPU - Cost per Unit
  78. CRM – Customer Relationship Management
  79. CSI - Continual Service Improvement
  80. CSO – Chief Security Officer
  81. CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
  82. CSRs= Company Service Representatives
  83. CSV = Comma Separated Values
  84. CTA=  Call-To-Action
  85. CTC - Cost to company
  86. CTO = Chief Technology Officer
  87. CTR= Click-Through Rate
  88. CVP – Cost Volume Profit
  89. CX – Customer Experience
  90. CXO = Chief Experience Officer 
  91. dis. discount
  92. dtd. dated
  93. DBI= Decibels Relative to Isotropic
  94. DCDR = Data Centre Data Recovery
  95. DDA – Depletion Depreciation Amortization
  96. Dept - Department
  97. Dept. – Department
  98. DI – Dispatch information
  99. Dir - Director
  100. disc. – Discount
  101. DOE= Depending On the Experiment
  102. DMA – Direct Market Access
  103. DPO - Days Payable Outstanding
  104. DR – Depositary Receipt
  105. DSP: Digital Signal Processor
  106. DSP - Delivery Service Provider
  107. DSO - Days Sales Outstanding
  108. DTP - Do this, Please
  109. DVP - Delivery Versus Payment
  110. ea. each
  111. EAR – Effective Annual Rate
  112. EAY – Effective Annual Yield
  113. EBITA – Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, and Amortizations
  114. EBITDA= Earning Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortizations
  115. ECB – European Central Bank
  116. ECGC - Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
  117. ECS — Electronic Clearing Service
  118. ECS — Electronic Clearing System
  119. EDI – Electronic Data Interchange
  120. EFSM – European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism
  121. EFTPOS – Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale
  122. EMI - Equated Monthly Installment
  123. EOB – End Of the Business
  124. EOD= End Of the Day
  125. EOD= End Of Discussion
  126. EOM – End Of Message
  127. EPC - Export Promotion Council
  128. EPS – Earnings Per Share
  129. ERP= Enterprise Resource Planning
  130. ESOP= Employee Stock Ownership Plan
  131. ETA= Estimated Time of Arrival
  132. ETD - Estimated Time of Delivery
  133. EPS= Earnings Per Share
  134. EOI= Expression of Interest
  135. ETP = Effluent Treatment Plant
  136. EXP – Export
  137. EXW - Ex Works, Ready at Warehouse
  138. fwd. forward
  139. FAB = Feature And Benefit
  140. FAB = Feature Advantage Benefits
  141. FDP – Finance Department
  142. FGD = Focus Group Discussion
  143. FIFO – First In, First Out
  144. FMCG: Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
  145. FinMin – Finance Minister
  146. Fin Min – Finance Minister
  147. FIX – Financial Information Exchange
  148. FL – Financial Leverage
  149. FOB – Freight On Board
  150. FOC - Free Of Cost
  151. FOMC – Federal Open Market Committee
  152. FP&A – Financial Planning & Analysis
  153. FPO – Follow on Public Offer
  154. FSA – Financial Services Authority
  155. FTE - Full-Time Equivalent
  156. F/U - Follow-Up
  157. FX – Foreign Exchange Market
  158. FY = Fiscal Year
  159. FYA - For Your Action
  160. FYA - For Your Attention
  161. FYF= Full-Year Forecast
  162. FYR = For Your Reference
  163. FYI = For Your Information
  164. gr. gross
  165. G&A – General and Administration Expense. 
  166. Expenditures related to the day-to-day operations of a business.
  167. G.M. = General Manager
  168. GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  169. GAAS – Generally Accepted Audit Standards
  170. GDP – Gross Domestic Product
  171. GDR – Global Depository Receipt
  172. GFCF – Gross Fixed Capital Formation
  173. GL – General Ledger
  174. GMROII-Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment
  175. GMV – Gross Merchandise Volume
  176. GP = Gross Profit
  177. GPO – Group Purchasing Organization
  178. GRN – Goods Receipt Note
  179. GRNI - Goods Receipt Not Invoiced
  180. GSV – Gross Sales Value
  181. GVC – Global Value Chain
  182. hdlg. handling
  183. HR= Human Resources
  184. HQ= Headquarters
  185. HRD= Human Resource Development
  186. HMRC - Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
  187. HRIS - Human Resources Information System
  188. ins. insurance
  189. IAS – International Accounting Standards
  190. ICB – Industry Classification Benchmark
  191. ICRM – Innovative Customer Relationship Management
  192. IE – Interest Expense
  193. IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standard
  194. ILCLP – IdentLogic Systems Customer Loyalty Program
  195. IMF – International Monetary Fund
  196. IMP – Import
  197. Inc. – Incorporated
  198. IOR = Input-Output Ratio
  199. IoT – Internet of Things
  200. IPO= Initial Public Offering
  201. IPLC= International Private Leased Circuit
  202. IPT - Item Per Transaction
  203. IR – Interest Rate - typically referring to an IR derivative product
  204. IRS – Internal Revenue Service
  205. ISM – Institute of Supply Management
  206. ISP= Internet Service Provider
  207. ISIN – International Securities Identification Number
  208. IYR – In-Year Revenue
  209. J= Journal
  210. JIT= Just In Time
  211. JIS= Just In Sequence
  212. JST= Joint Supervisory Team
  213. K – is used as an abbreviation for 1,000. E.g., $225K means $225,000, $1.2KK means $1,200,000.
  214. KIBOR - Karachi Interbank Offered Rate
  215. KOT - Kitchen Order Tickets
  216. KPA - Key Performance Area
  217. KPI – Key Performance Indicators
  218. KRA - Key Result Area
  219. KPI - Key Performance Indicators
  220. KYC – Know Your Customer,
  221. Diligence activities that financial institutions perform to ascertain relevant information.
  222. LBO – Leveraged Buyout
  223. LC = Letter of credit
  224. LE – Latest Estimate
  225. LLC = Limited Liability Company
  226. LIBOR – London Interbank Offered Rate
  227. LIFFE – London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
  228. LIFO – Last In, First Out
  229. LME – London Metal Exchange
  230. Ltd. – Limited Company
  231. LTV - Loan to Value
  232. max. maximum
  233. min. minimum
  234. MBS – mortgage-backed security
  235. mfg. – Manufacturing
  236. MFS: Mobile Financial Services
  237. MGMT - Management
  238. MIC – Market Identifier Code
  239. MILE= Maximum Impact, Little Effort
  240. MM= Meeting Minutes
  241. MNC = Multinational Company
  242. MoM - Month on Month
  243. MoM - Month over Month
  244. MOOC= Massive Open Online Course
  245. MOOCs= Massive Open Online Classrooms
  246. MOQ – Minimum Order Quantity
  247. MOI= Memorandum of Incorporation
  248. MoU = Memorandum of Understanding
  249. MPC – Marginal Propensity to Consume
  250. MPLS= Multiprotocol Label Switching
  251. MSRP= Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price
  252. MRO – Maintenance, Repair, and Operations
  253. MROI= Marketing Return on Investment
  254. MRP= Machine Readable Passport
  255. MRP - Maximum Retail Price
  256. MSOD – Monthly Statement of Select Operational Data
  257. MSRP - Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
  258. MTD – Month-to-date
  259. MUI: Multilingual User Interface
  260. MVP = Minimum Viable Product
  261. MWC – Managerial Working Capital
  262. n.d. no date
  263. NAV – Net Asset Value
  264. NCBO – No Change of Beneficial Ownership
  265. NCND – Non-Circumvent and Non-Disclosure
  266. NDA= Non-Disclosure Agreement
  267. NII – Net Interest Income
  268. NIM – Net Interest Margin
  269. NOA – Net Operating Assets
  270. NOI= Net Operating Income
  271. NOPAT – Net Operating Profit After Tax
  272. NPL – Non-Performing Loan
  273. NPV – Net Present Value
  274. NRN= No Reply Necessary
  275. NTE - Not To Exceed
  276. NYMEX – New York Mercantile Exchange
  277. NYSE – New York Stock Exchange
  278. oz. ounces
  279. OC – Opportunity Cost
  280. OCF – Operating Cash Flow
  281. OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  282. OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
  283. OIBDA - Operating Income Before Depreciation And Amortization
  284. OOO - Out of Office
  285. OPEX – Operational Expenditures
  286. OTC= Over The Counter (finance)
  287. pd. paid
  288. P2A= Person-to-Application
  289. P2P: Path To Purchase
  290. PP&E = Property, Plant, and Equipment
  291. P&L: Profit and Loss
  292. PnL: Profit and Loss
  293. P/E – Price-to-Earnings Ratio
  294. PA - Promotional Activity
  295. PA - Purchasing Agent
  296. PAT – Profit After Tax
  297. PBT – Profit Before Tax
  298. PEG – Price-to-Earnings Growth Ratio
  299. PFA= Please Find the Attachment
  300. PHEK = Planherstellungskosten (Product Planning Cost)
  301. PI = Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage)
  302. PIP = Percentage In Point
  303. PMAC = Period Moving Average Cost
  304. PO = Profit Objective
  305. PO = Purchase Order
  306. POC= proof of Concept
  307. POS = Point of Sale
  308. POSM = Point Of Sales Materials
  309. PPP = Public-Private Partnership
  310. PPP = Purchasing Power Parity
  311. PPt = Powerpoint Presentation
  312. PR = Page Rank
  313. PR = Press Release
  314. PR = Public Relations
  315. PR = Purchase Requisition
  316. PSTN = Public Switched Telephone Network
  317. PTD = Project to Date
  318. qty. quantity
  319. q/q= Quarter on quarter
  320. QC= Quality Control
  321. QC= Quality Costs
  322. QMT = Quality Management Team
  323. QoQ= Quarter on Quarter
  324. QTD= Quarter-To-Date
  325. recd. received
  326. R&D= Research And Development
  327. RADs = Retail Sales Distributors
  328. RBA – Reserve Bank of Australia
  329. RBI – Reserve Bank of India
  330. RC – Retail Company
  331. RE – Retained Earnings
  332. RFI: Request For Information
  333. RFI: Registration For Information
  334. RFO: Request for Offer
  335. RFP: Request For Proposal
  336. RFQ: Request for Quotation
  337. RFT: Request for Tender
  338. RFX: Generic name for a Request for Information, Proposal or Quotation
  339. RLSA: Remarketing lists for search ads
  340. ROA – Return on Assets
  341. ROCE – Return On Capital Employed
  342. ROE – Return on Equity
  343. ROG: Run-of-Group
  344. ROI: Return On Investment
  345. ROIC – Return on Invested Capital
  346. ROMI: Return on marketing investment
  347. RON: Run of network
  348. RONA – Return on Net Assets
  349. ROS: Return on Sales
  350. ROS: run of site
  351. RR – Resource Rent
  352. RRP= Recommended Retail Price
  353. RSP – Retail Selling Price
  354. RSS: Really Simple Syndication
  355. RSVP = Répondez S'il Vous Plaît",
  356. RTB: Reason to Believe
  357. RTGS: Real-time gross settlement
  358. RTM: Route To Market
  359. sec. secretary
  360. S&OP - Sales and Operations Planning
  361. SG&A – Sales, General, and Administrative Expenses
  362. SAAS: Software As A Service
  363. SAR: Secondary Action Rate
  364. SCBA – Social Cost-Benefit Analysis
  365. SCM= Supply Chain Management
  366. Seat ID: Buyer Account ID, unique identifier
  367. SEBI – Securities and Exchange Board of India
  368. SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
  369. SEM: Search Engine Marketing
  370. SERP= Search Engine Results Page
  371. SMB= Small Medium Business
  372. SME - Small and Medium Enterprises
  373. SEO: Search Engine Optimization
  374. SIOP – Sales Inventory and Operations Plan
  375. SIV – Structured Investment Vehicle
  376. SIR – Stores Issuance Requisition
  377. SKU – Stock Keeping Unit
  378. SLA: Service Level Agreement
  379. SOHO – Small Office/Home Office
  380. SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
  381. SOW - Statement Of Work
  382. SOX – Sarbanes-Oxley
  383. SROI - Social Return on Investment
  384. SRS = Software Requirements Specification
  385. St – Sales, during period t.
  386. SUA - Start-Up Agreement
  387. treas. treasury, treasurer
  388. TB – Transaction Banking
  389. TBA: To Be Announced 
  390. TBC - To Be Completed
  391. TBD – To Be Defined
  392. TCO – Total Cost of Ownership
  393. TCV – Total Contract Value
  394. TG= Target Group
  395. TOM: Top of Mind
  396. TOS: Target Outranking Share
  397. TOTW- Time Off for Time Worked
  398. TQM- Total Quality Management
  399. TSPL: Target Search Page Locations
  400. TSR – Total Shareholder Return
  401. TTL= Through The Line (integration of both ATL & BTL strategies)
  402. TTM- Trailing Twelve Months
  403. UAC: Universal App campaigns
  404. UAT: Universal Action Tag
  405. UAT: User Acceptance Testing
  406. UDID: Unique Device ID Number
  407. UGC: User-Generated Content
  408. URL: Uniform Resource Locator/Uniform Resource Identifier
  409. USP: Unique Selling Proposition
  410. USSP: Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
  411. VAD= Value-Added Distributor
  412. VAI= Value-Added Information
  413. VAR= Value-Added Reseller
  414. VaR= Value at Risk
  415. VAR: Video Assistant Referee
  416. VAT= Value Added Tax
  417. VC= Venture Capital
  418. VFM: Value for Money
  419. VPAID: Video Player-Ad Interface Definition
  420. VPN= Virtual Private Network
  421. V.P. = Vice-President
  422. VSAT = Very Small Aperture Terminal
  423. whsle. Wholesale
  424. WACC = Weighted Average Cost of Capital
  425. WASP - Weighted Average Selling Price
  426. WC – Working Capital
  427. WFH – Work From Home
  428. WHT - Withholding Tax
  429. WIGs – Wildly Important Goals
  430. wk – week
  431. WLL - With Limited Liability
  432. WO = Work Order
  433. WOM: Word of Mouth
  434. WPO: Web Performance Optimization
  435. W.R.T - With Respect To
  436. WRK= work
  437. WTD -Week-To-Date
  438. WTO -World Trade Organization
  439. WVN - Withdraw Voucher Note
  440. YOY= Year-Over-Year
  441. YTD= Year-To-Date
  442. YTG= Year-To-Go
  443. YTC= Yet-To-Confirm
  444. ZCYC= Zero Coupon Yield Curve
  445. ZMOT: Zero Moment of Truth 
  446. ZOPA= Zone of Possible Agreement

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